Every year at this time I get a little irritated…as if seeing pink plastered all over the NFL isn’t enough to put a damper on my Sunday afternoon the shear ignorance of my peers tends to create controversies that are better left to rest. Before you delete me from your news feed hear me out. I know several of you who have survived breast cancer, I know even more who have had other debilitating cancers and yet every single one of us knows someone who has had or lost the battle with this awful disease we call cancer. I should probably let you know as well, that the night before I graduated from chiropractic college, a time when celebration and congratulations are in order, my youngest sister (21 at the time) was diagnosed with Leukemia. A year later my dad (my favorite person in the entire world) was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer. He didn’t even want to break the news to me on either occasion for fear it would ruin my day. It ruined more than my day, it ruined more than that year or years to come, it ruined my trust in the medical profession. I’m a chiropractor, we’re not supposed to “like” medical doctors and vice versa…right? Well, when you’re holding your sister’s hand in the ICU you sure “like” the fact that they’re saving her life regardless of the fact that the chemo and constant infections put her there in the first place. When your dad gets a clean bill of health after two years of undergoing some pretty bizarre treatments you “like” hearing such news. So I’m not saying that I don’t like the medical profession, I’m not saying that Susan B. Komen had the wrong intentions of starting her breast cancer awareness foundation. What I am saying is that we are looking to the wrong “cure.” We are looking into more chemicals and more radiation, so called “treatments” to cure this awful disease that made its way into my family’s reality. Think about it, if I were to give you and I the chemotherapy and radiation that we give to our sickest citizens what would happen to us? I consider myself a pretty health conscious individual and yet I know what would happen to me, I’d get nauseous, I’d loose all of my hair, and be laid up in a hospital bed just like my sister. You’d probably be in the same boat I don’t care how healthy you are.
We could go on and on about how to prevent breast cancer, and just because I can, I will. More importantly I want to address what you can do once this harsh reality hits home. Let’s face it 1 in 3 Americans receives the news of cancer in their lifetime and if it’s not me or your neighbor you want to be prepared. Should you choose to go through the recommended chemo/radiation recommendations of your doctor I suggest you follow them. Don’t add witch hazel, or essential oils, vitamins, or homeopathic remedies to make you healthy at this time, if you survive they’ll be time for that later. If such things help with the symptoms of the treatment consult your doctor first. The entire goal of such treatments is to kill the cancer before it kills the person. Allow them to do their job and don’t add things that are going to boost your immune system at the time, the whole point is to lower it so the cancer can be killed. After medical treatment or if you decide not to undergo such “treatments” first and foremost you must DETOX! We talk about this in our office every month because it’s so vital to HEALTH, whether we’re discussing flu and cold season or this ugly topic cancer. The basics of detoxing looks like cutting out all sugar, dairy (we will discuss in a later post), artificial sweeteners/colors etc., and bad/sick thoughts. The easy part is adding a trip to the sauna on a regular basis (daily if possible), using aluminum free deodorant and non toxic toiletries and make up, and switching to organic produce and range free eggs and chicken, grass fed beef, and preferably going vegan…tough I know. Most importantly is making the decision to THRIVE in this adversity and seeking help. Feel free to call our office for help on the subject I take approximately 20 minutes with each patient just discussing their concerns free of charge before moving forward on a case. Proven fact: patients under regular chiropractic care have a higher functioning immune system and therefore have better recovery from diseases such as cancer. No, you won’t find this study in JAMMA.

Of course I’d much rather we talk about things we can do to prevent you from ending up in the hell my family found itself in 5 years ago. Because it’s October we’re going to focus on breast cancer but stay tuned, cancer is one of my passions…in case you couldn’t tell. As we discussed above, the number one best thing both men and women can do is detox on a regular basis. The first recommendation I make is to throw away your old deodorant (AKA Cancer Stick) and switch to something without aluminum. Not only is aluminum a known neurotoxin, a substance that disturbs nerve function but once it’s in your body it’s very difficult to get out. This is the perfect time of year to start experimenting with different brands to find one that works for you. The first couple you try probably won’t work like you need. If all else fails, at least switch to a stick that is JUST deodorant and NOT an antiperspirant. Ever wonder why people would torture themselves by sitting in a sauna for 20 minutes at a time? Other than to cool us off; what’s the purpose of sweating? Sweat isn’t exactly just water and salt from our body, it’s also full of toxins that need to be removed at a more superficial level. If you’re covering those armpits with a thick coat of neurotoxin that prevents this process all that sweat and toxins are remaining in that area of your body. Funny that the majority of breast cancers take place in the corresponding armpit. What’s even more disturbing is that that the next most common occurrence of breast cancer takes place in the lower quadrant of the breast. I won’t get into the full anatomy but in both men and women a large number of lymph nodes live here. Now girls, I know those underwire bras make things go where they “belong” or used to when we were younger but Victoria’s Secret is a business not a doctor. Many of these tightly fitting garments are preventing the flow of lymph in areas such as the lower breast and therefore toxins and immune boosting cells are not allowed to travel where needed. Those are a couple fairly tough changes but imagine what a difference just those two things could make in the statistics if every woman in America changed her habits. Some easier ideas may include getting a massage, drinking more water, taking your vitamins, getting adjusted, trying a foot detox, or switching to real sugar instead of the pink packets. What two things could you change today?
funding vs illness chart