In order to first understand how to fall in love with your health, one must first understand what the true definition of health really is. From to the Merk manual, health is defined simply as “the absence of disease, a state of being free from illness or injury, being comfortable, healthy or happy.” This is frustrating because I’ve seen very unhealthy people without a proper diagnosis and yet Webster’s (and some medical doctors) would consider this person in good health. How many times does imaging come back ‘clear’ only to have the cancer return a few short months later?
Was this patient healthy a week, a month, or just days before it ‘came back?’ Studies have shown that those diagnosed with chronic illness are happier before they receive treatment, and often do not have feelings of joy during or after receiving ‘life saving’ medicines. Another example is when a patient comes in for their adjustment thinking they only need their neck adjusted. Until I start moving my bony little hands across their mid-back and send them through the table. Hmmm, was it just their neck? My least favorite cases, are related to the heart, of all things. When a patient leaves a stress test with a clean bill of health only to drop dead of a heart attack shortly thereafter. Happens more than we’d like to admit. I named my practice Peake WELLNESS Center for this very reason. Wellness, is defined as ‘an optimal state of being, functioning at all levels to the best of its ability.” Other sources say, “the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort,” and “an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging (quality) life as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.” Wellness sounds more like what we want in life instead of health. Maybe this month’s theme should have been ‘Fall in Love with Wellness,” instead.

~Dr. Alexia Inhulsen~