Better Health & Quality Care
What Peake Wellness Offers
120 Days to a Better Period
Giving women their lives back one period at a time, naturally, period.
Are you tired of uncomfortable, unpredictable periods and want something other than birth control to help? Have you missed work, or can’t be your best self due to debilitating cramps? Our 120 day program can get you to a healthier period, naturally… period! Dr. Alexia has helped over 100 women achieve more predictable, less painful cycles through this process.
Click below to schedule your initial Fix my Period Session – including consult, exam, and first adjustment or x-ray.
How it Works
Every month, or randomly, or gulp…not at all!
And you’re not even sure if you’ve had sex that recently. What a nightmare! Not to mention the miserable cramps, headaches, nausea etc. etc. etc. Usually there’s an underlying reason for this craziness. If you want solutions that don’t involve birth control, we’d love to see if we can help.
To schedule a two part consultation, exam, and first adjustment or x-ray followed up with a written report and plan of action to get you back to your life instead of crumpled on the floor click below.
You may schedule a service after you’ve first had a FIX MY PERIOD SESSION described above.
Light Flow
This is perfect for those of you who don’t live in Northern Colorado… sucks to be you.
However, we DO have this amazing online system that can get you on track to a better cycle in 120 days!
- Access to online classes
- Weekly improvement email
- Discounts and free shipping on recommended supplements
- Access to the Fix My Freakin’ Period Facebook Group – you can ask me anything, anytime!
- Our monthly newsletter
Medium Flow
This thing is driving you crazy and you’re ready to take the plunge and make some changes.
Buckle up! You’re going to learn more than you ever wanted to know about your cycle. If you’re in Northern Colorado this is for you!
- Everything from Light Flow
- Weekly meeting with doctor
- Weekly Adjustment & therapies like Webster Technique & Flexion/Distraction to further optimize your female & overall health!
- Monthly Review of your Period
- Initial supplements
Kill Me NOW
You’re going over the deep end and hating life, so let’s freakin’ fix this thing!
This package supplies you with everything from the first two packages, AND you’ll be seeing your doctor as many times as is required each week for a while until we can get you to a place of more comfort.
- Everything from Light and Medium Flow Packages
- All Recommended Adjustments and Therapies at no extra cost
- Attendance to our 8 week core building class
If you would like to visit with Dr. Alexia Peake Inhulsen DC, CCSP, CACCP directly about your specific case, click below and she will call you within 48 hours.
Nice to Meet You!
I’m Dr. Alexia – DC, CCSP, CACCP
And I came across this massive women’s health issue long before I became a chiropractor. I’ve been helping women understand their cycle since college when I finally had the maturity to discuss it. I’m shocked at how little we know and understand about our bodies, and more so at how many women live in agony each month and think it’s ‘normal.’
That’s ridiculous! A painful period isn’t a normal period, an unpredictable period isn’t normal either. And a ‘period’ on birth control isn’t a period at all, it’s a bleed. If you’re suffering from uncomfortable or untimely periods I’d like to see if we can help. If not, I’ll tell you. If so, I’ll ask you to add some healthier habits to your regime, but guess what, it’s all natural, and you can still have coffee, but only if you’re nice.